Saturday, December 20, 2008

                                  last night my cosins came !!! Natalie,josh,Eliza,Sarai,and Maggie 
          and not only was that exiting but today is Eliza's birth day !!! we are going to the daily mansion 
               to celebrate 
                                 everyone is ecstatic for Christmas and that's only in 5 days 
                     mom left to go shopping and we had a party we were jumping on the couch 
                   as you can see everyone is having fun to explain there was a mini trampoline  
               behind the couch and we would jump over we are all having a ball even Sarai 
                  we wish it would never but nat got Bord which was a !wow! for her (not)
              so she turned on the t.v. and we all got attached to it because it was dirty jobs 

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